State Agencies


Though various state agencies are involved with different aspects of water resources in Texas, the two primary agencies are the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) and the Texas Commission on  Environmental Quality (TCEQ).  Below are some summary information and links to these agencies.


This agency’s mission is “to provide leadership, planning, financial assistance, information, and education for the conservation and responsible development of water for Texas.”  TWDB leads the state water planning in management of water resources.  TWDB issues bonds and grants, supports local community and regional water planning through projects dealing with water supply and water quality, wastewater treatment, nonpoint source pollution control, flood control, agricultural water conservation, and groundwater district support.

Click here for more details about the work and grants that TWDB supports as well as a timeline about the TWDB’s history.

Current featured news from TWDB:

  • Draft State Water Plan 2012
  • Proposition 2 for water financial assistance bonds
  • Wildfire and Drought

Who should you contact about:

• Well records in your area?  For data, go to the WIID.  For well rules, go to your GCD (see webpage under this tab, “Conservation Districts”.
• Questions about the TWDB groundwater availability modeling program?  Cindy Ridgeway, P.G. (512-936-2386)
• Questions about statewide groundwater monitoring? Janie Hopkins, P.G. (512-936-0841)
• Groundwater technical assistance:  Rima Petrossian, P.G. (512-936-2420)


This agency “strives to protect our state’s human and natural resources consistent with sustainable economic development.  Our goal is clean air, clean water, and the safe management of waste.”  Major concerns are with air, land, and water.

TCEQ has departments that deal with:

  • Cleanups and remediation
  • Emergency response
  • Licensing
  • Permits and registrations
  • Preventing pollution
  • Recycling
  • Reporting
  • Rules

As TCEQ supports efforts across the state, they have regional offices that may be close to your area.  As well, there are 9 offices to help citizens and businesses.

Current featured news from TCEQ:
–  Drought and wildfire
–  Hurricane season

Other state agencies that work with water management in different roles:

Railroad Commission of Texas

Texas Department of Agriculture